Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Charlemagne the King of the Franks and Lombards

Charlemagne the King of the Franks and Lombards Charlemagne was also known as: Charles I, Charles the Great (in French, Charlemagne; in German, Karl der Grosse; in Latin, Carolus Magnus) Charlemagnes titles included: King of the Franks, King of the Lombards; also generally considered the first Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne was noted for: Consolidating a large portion of Europe under his rule, promoting learning, and instituting innovative administrative concepts. Occupations: Military LeaderKing Emperor Places of Residence and Influence: EuropeFrance Important Dates: Born: April 2, c. 742Crowned Emperor: Dec. 25, 800Died: Jan. 28, 814 Quote Attributed to Charlemagne: To have another language is to possess a second soul. About Charlemagne: Charlemagne was the grandson of Charles Martel and the son of Pippin III. When Pippin died, the kingdom was divided between Charlemagne and his brother Carloman. King Charlemagne proved himself a capable leader from early on, but his brother was less so, and there was some friction between them until Carlomans death in 771. Once King, Charlemagne had sole rule of the government of Francia, he expanded his territory through conquest. He conquered the Lombards in northern Italy, acquired Bavaria, and campaigned in Spain and Hungary. Charlemagne used harsh measures in subduing the Saxons and virtually exterminating the Avars. Though he had essentially amassed an empire, he did not style himself emperor, but called himself the King of the Franks and Lombards. King Charlemagne was an able administrator, and he delegated authority over his conquered provinces to Frankish nobles. At the same time, he recognized the diverse ethnic groups he had brought together under his dominion, and allowed each to retain its own local laws. To ensure justice, Charlemagne had these laws set down in writing and strictly enforced. He also issued capitularies that applied to all citizens. Charlemagne kept an eye on events in his empire through the use of missi dominici, representatives who acted with his authority. Though never able to master reading and writing himself, Charlemagne was an enthusiastic patron of learning. He attracted noted scholars to his court, including Alcuin, who became his private tutor, and Einhard, who would be his biographer. Charlemagne reformed the palace school and set up monastic schools throughout the empire. The monasteries he sponsored preserved and copied ancient books. The flowering of learning under Charlemagnes patronage has come to be known as the Carolingian Renaissance. In 800, Charlemagne came to the aid of Pope Leo III, who had been attacked in the streets of Rome. He went to Rome to restore order and, after Leo purged himself of the charges against him, he was unexpectedly crowned emperor. Charlemagne wasnt pleased with this development, because it established the precedent of papal ascendancy over secular leadership, but though he still often referred to himself as a king he now also styled himself Emperor, as well. There is some disagreement as to whether or not Charlemagne was really the first Holy Roman Emperor. Although he did not use any title that directly translates as such, he did use the title imperator Romanum (emperor of Rome) and in some correspondence styled himself deo coronatus (Crowned by God), as per his coronation by the pope. This appears to be enough for most scholars to allow Charlemagnes hold on the title to stand, especially since Otto I, whose reign is generally considered to be the true beginning of the Holy Roman Empire, never used the title either. The territory Charlemagne governed is not considered the Holy Roman Empire but is instead named the Carolingian Empire after him. It would later form the basis of the territory scholars would call the Holy Roman Empire, although that term (in Latin, sacrum Romanum imperium) was also seldom in use during the Middle Ages, and never used at all until the mid-thirteenth century. All pedantry aside, Charlemagnes achievements stand among the most significant of the early Middle Ages, and although the empire he built would not long outlast his son Louis I, his consolidation of lands marked a watershed in the development of Europe. Charlemagne died in January, 814.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Essay on Taking Stock

Essay on Taking Stock Essay on Taking Stock 2010 English Exam – Language Analysis Taking Stock During the international Biodiversity conference to review progress towards environmental goals set in 2002, Professor Chris Lee sets the principal theme of the conference with his speech Taking Stock. Lee’s presentation is addresses experts from all over the world who attended the conference. Lee’s tone is sincere yet confronting as he highlights a lack of action to achieve climate change goals, contending that current approaches towards environmental conservation have been ‘haphazard’ and that the need for serious action must be emphasized to the public. In his introduction, Lee uses a quote from the United Nations in conjunction with a rhetorical question to pinpoint the focus of his speech; the failure of the last convention in galvanising environmental action. In addition, this introduction is coupled with the opening slide. On the slide is the year ‘2010’ in a bold stylised font with the silhouettes of a tree, a flamingo, fish and two humans holding hands which together represent biodiversity. The honest, probing tone of Lee’s introduction with this idealistic image of biodiversity in the background is designed to evoke shame in his audience as Lee highlights their failure to stand up for environmental conservation. These techniques establish the undercurrent of humiliation Lee uses to make his audience regret their inaction. By being upfront and honest Lee implies he is reasonable and is facing the facts. He admits that the aims of the Biodiversity conference have been â€Å"idealistic† and points out statistics which imply huge environmental losses over the past hundred years. This admission forces his audience to acknowledge that Lee is being realistic, which prevents them from being dismissive of his claims. Given that his audience consists of â€Å"leaders in the area of biodiversity† Lee acknowledges their expertise stating â€Å"We know this†; simultaneously crediting the audience’s knowledge and identifying himself as one of them through the use of personal pronouns ‘we’ and ‘our’. This combination of techniques positions the audience to view the speaker as one of them, making the audience feel that they are all accountable and part of a team – a notion which is further conveyed when Lee states that a â€Å"lack of unity† has cont ributed to the situation. Since Lee has identified himself as part of the audience’s team, he has positioned the reader to accept his contention for the sake of unity and commitment. Lee continues to challenge the ‘haphazard approach’ towards environmental preservation, implying that the â€Å"Wonderful words, glossy brochures, inspiring documentaries† have been superficial and insubstantial, describing commitments such as those made at the 2002 conference as ‘’faint promises’’. Following this criticism, Lee proposes a rhetorical question designed to make his audience reflect and accept the faults in such inaction. Lee then appeals to the audience’s sense of guilt by reminding them of the consequences of the failure to preserve the environment. In doing so, the audience is made to feel that supporting Lee’s contention is the way to helping humanity, particularly those who are most vulnerable – the poor. By highlighting that ‘over 1.1 billion people remain in extreme poverty’

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Revising Sentences With Absolute Phrases

Revising Sentences With Absolute Phrases An absolute phrase  is a group of words that modifies an independent clause as a whole. Absolute phrases are useful constructions for adding details to an entire sentence- details that often describe one aspect of someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the sentence. Sample questions offer practice revising sentences with absolute phrases Practice Questions Rewrite each sentence or set of sentences below according to the guidelines that precede each practice question. When youre done, compare your revised sentences with the answers that follow. Keep in mind that more than one correct response is possible. 1) Combine the two sentences below: Turn the second sentence into an absolute phrase and place it in front of the first sentence. The storks circled above us. Their slender bodies were sleek and black against the orange sky. 2) Combine the two sentences below: Turn the second sentence into an absolute phrase and place it after the first sentence. On the tops of the hills, the grass stands at its tallest and greenest. Its new seed plumes rise through a dead crop of last years withered spears. 3) Create two absolute phrases by eliminating the words in bold. Odysseus comes to shore, and the skin is torn from his hands, and the sea water is gushing from his mouth and nostrils. 4) Combine the three sentences below: Turn the second and third sentences into absolute phrases, and position them at the start of the sentence to establish a clear cause-effect relationship. Norton vowed never to marry again. His first marriage ended in divorce. His second marriage ended in despair. 5) Omit the word when and turn the main clause- in bold- into an absolute phrase. When the double giant Ferris wheel circles, the swaying seats are more frightening than a jet plane flying through a monsoon. 6) Combine the following four sentences into a single sentence with a present participial phrase and two absolute phrases. All afternoon the caravan passed by. The caravan shimmered in the winter light. Its numberless facets were gleaming. The hundreds of wagon wheels were turning in the dust in slow and endless motion. 7) Combine the following five sentences into a single sentence with a present participial phrase and three absolute phrases. Six boys came over the hill. The boys were running hard. Their heads were down. Their forearms were working. Their breaths were whistling. 8) Begin your new sentence with The buildings sit empty, and turn the rest of the sentence into an absolute phrase. Jagged pieces of glass stick out of the frames of the hundreds of broken windows in the buildings that sit empty. 9) Combine these sentences by replacing the period with a comma and eliminating the word in bold. Proud of my freedom and bumhood, I stood in the doorway of the boxcar, rocking with the motion of the train. My ears were full of the rushing wind and the clattering wheels. 10) Combine these three sentences by turning the first sentence into an absolute phrase and the third into a subordinate clause beginning with where. His hair was wet from the showers. He walked in the icy air to Lukes Luncheonette. There he ate three hamburgers in a booth with three juniors. Answers Here are the sentences that served as models for the exercises above. Keep in mind that more than one correct response is possible. Their slender bodies sleek and black against the orange sky, the storks circled above us.On the tops of the hills, the grass stands at its tallest and greenest, its new seed plumes rising through a dead crop of last years withered spears.Odysseus comes to shore, the skin torn from his hands, the sea water gushing from his mouth and nostrils.His first marriage having ended in divorce and his second in despair, Norton vowed never to marry again.The double giant Ferris wheel circles, the swaying seats more frightening than a jet plane flying through a monsoon.All afternoon the caravan passed by, shimmering in the winter light, its numberless facets gleaming and the hundreds of wagon wheels turning in the dust in slow and endless motion.Six boys came over the hill, running hard, their heads down, their forearms working, their breaths whistling.The buildings sit empty, jagged pieces of glass sticking out of the frames of the hundreds of broken windows.Proud of my freedom and bumhood, I st ood in the doorway of the boxcar, rocking with the motion of the train, my ears full of the rushing wind and the clattering wheels. His hair  wet  from the showers, he walked  in  the icy air to Lukes Luncheonette, where he ate three hamburgers in a booth with three juniors.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Math Disablities in 4th & 5th Graders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Math Disablities in 4th & 5th Graders - Essay Example It is an important issue never the less and teachers need to be aware of the complexities of dyscalculia and how to work with students. Using appropriate interventions will make the difference for the student. To do this is not as easy as there is a wide range of math disabilities and the difficulties vary from student to student. What is math disability? Even attempting to define math disability is not straightforward. Definitions vary. Wadlington and Wadlington (2008) defined dyscalculia as â€Å"a neurologically based disorder of mathematical abilities†. They further explain that it â€Å"originates as a genetic or congenital disorder of the brain and causes a discrepancy between an individual’s general cognitive level and mathematical abilities† (p. ). Vaidya (2004) states that dyscalculia is â€Å"characterized by a poor understanding of the number concept and the number system†. (p.717). She presents some of the common areas where math disability is manifested including counting, giving and receiving change, learning abstract concepts of time and direction. Developmental dyscalculia is the term sometimes used to describe math disabilities. Shalev (2004) defines developmental dyscalculia as â€Å"a specific learning disability affecting the normal acquisition of arithmetic sk ills in spite of normal intelligence, emotional stability, scholastic opportunity and motivation†. (p.766). Three subtypes of dyscalculia have been identified. One is the difficulty retrieving arithmetic facts, called semantic memory; another is the difficulty in understanding and applying math procedures, called procedural memory; and the third is difficulty understanding spatially represented numerical information, called visuospatial memory. (Wadlington and Wadlington, 2008). In general children with dyscalculia find learning and recalling number facts difficult. As a consequence of the difficulty in defining math disabilities, diagnosing is also a

The Importance of Soil Ph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Importance of Soil Ph - Essay Example This paper will expansively present the importance of soil Ph and other important factors related to the very same concept will also be presented comprehensively in this paper. There are several food crops and plants that thrive under either neutral or slightly acidic soil which means that the Ph of the soil must be 7, on the other hand there are a few other plants that thrive under highly acidic conditions, potatoes and strawberries just to name a few. The weathering rate is arguably one of the most important aspects when it comes to deciding hoe acidic the soil is It depends on a factor called mineralogy which means the presence of easily weathered minerals in the soil. There are other important aspects too like the texture of the soil, the presence of moisture in the soil etc. "A plant's growth is affected to a large degree by the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-) in the surrounding soil solution (soil pH). Acid soils (pH

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reserche proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reserche proposal - Essay Example The researcher has chosen to research the area of people with learning disabilities. Researcher because of experience of working in a PCT chose this subject area, where a large proportion of people with learning disabilities access primary health care services from independent contractors. The researcher works closely with a learning disabilities team and is carrying out research on their behalf that has a keen interest to identify the barriers for people with learning disabilities face, while accessing health services within Kensington and Chelsea PCT. As a health care practitioner, researcher is concerned that these people are discriminated against. The new government health strategy â€Å"our health, our care, our say† reinforces people rights and desires. Therefore, why not people with learning disability have a same right as other people and why they cannot access the same services. The aim of the study is to identify â€Å"Are health’s needs being met by GP services for people with learning disabilities?† The purpose of this study is to identify the most effective ways of closing the health gap and improving services so that people with learning disability problems have their physical needs met. A review of literature in this area was carried out using various search strategies (See appendix 1). Learning disability is a major concern around the world. Not all people share equal opportunities for good health and evidence indicates that people in less advantaged circumstances experience poorer health [1]. The poorer health of people with learning disabilities is the major concern in present circumstances. Therefore, this proposal will review the wider causes of health inequalities and consider how these affect people with learning disabilities. â€Å"People with learning disabilities have much poorer health than the general population and the NHS has traditionally failed to serve people with learning disabilities

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compare and contrast the UK education system to the education system Coursework

Compare and contrast the UK education system to the education system in a country of your choice - Coursework Example The educational structure of UK can be considered as the most respected and recognized structure across the globe. It can be stated that each of phase of their educational system is so well planned that it cannot be easily duplicated. On the other hand, the educational structure of India is all well known as it gives an opportunity to students to explore various dimensions. The main area of similarity in the educational structure is in context primary and secondary education. In India as well as in UK, students join school at the age of five years and at the age of 11 years they are prepared to join secondary education which is often called as high school in India. The basic educational structure in both the countries is quite similar as children are first introduced to pre-school education. The teaching and learning system can be regarded as the most critical component when it comes to educational system in a specific country. In India the main focus is on developing a strong theoretical base so that students are able to handle practical assignments in later time period. A similar fashion of teaching and learning is observed in UK’s educational system where in the initial stage of education teachers are more inclined towards developing required skills within children. These skills are usually developed through making students aware about different theoretical frameworks (Machin & Vignoles, 2005). It can be stated that in both the countries the focus is on giving more assignments to children so that they are able to develop a large base of knowledge. The teachers as per both the educational systems adopt best practices so that students possess required knowledge related to any real time scenario. The educational system of UK and India faces a similar kind of challenge which is growing global competition. In these two countries educational system is inclined towards incorporating basic education amongst students but they

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Competeing internationally Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Competeing internationally - Essay Example On the other hand, the global strategy is also applied by the company. The approach entails a centralized decision-making process, the sale of standardized products and the differentiation of products. The centralization of value chain areas in the strategy helps the company to enjoy economies of scale as only a few value chain areas are used by the enterprise. Moreover, the method entails the development of reliable logistics to ensure that the supply chain meets the needs of the consumers before the competitors can get to them. The multi-domestic strategy is another approach that is rapidly used by the company (Hill & Jones, 2014). The approach entails the decentralization of decision-making in the particular country of operation once the products have been supplied. The decentralization enables the company to respond to issues that the clients may raise about the product. It is such responses and interaction with the customers that has allowed Apple to gain an edge over its compet itors by building a strong customer base in sales and delivery and customer service (Halikias & Salavou, 2014). The most suitable method among the ones chosen by the company is the multi-domestic strategy. The strategy enables the company to handle the issues that come from the specific market of location and thus is better off compared to any of the other strategies. Also, the strategy helps the company to be in constant contact with the target market; hence it is easy to respond to issues that may arise. It is also possible to modify the products to meet the needs of the specific target market depending on their needs (Halikias & Salavou,

Review Questions Essay Example for Free

Review Questions Essay Answer the following questions (you may use MS Project Help): 1) What are the three base calendars included in MS Project and what are the default values of each? Standard Default base calendar, Monday to Friday, 8 to 5, lunch noon to 1. This is the default base calendar used for the project, for tasks and for resources. Night Shift Usually for graveyard shift, 11 PM to 8 AM, five days a week, lunch 3 AM to 4AM. 24 Hours – Work never stops here. Typically used for projects in a manufacturing situation, midnight until midnight 7 days a week. 2) What is the difference between a base calendar and a resource calendar? Resource Calendars apply to only specific resources. 3) Why schedule one project meeting after completion of the last task, Test System? We should as a final meeting to discuss how the project went as a whole. 4) Give an example of when you would assign a 24-hour calendar to a resource. 24-Hour calendars would be used in situations where a consultant is being used to complete a fixed-cost task 5) If you were doing a senior project, what would be the base calendar you would use for students working on the project and what adjustments would you make to it? The base calendar I would use would probably be the 24-hour calendar because there would not be a set time each task will be worked on. Turn in this sheet with your MS Project file to the Weekly iLab Dropbox.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sustainable Tourism And Destination Management Management Essay

Sustainable Tourism And Destination Management Management Essay Despite of difficult economic circumstances, tourism industry is still growing especially after a long period economies began to show recovery from the recession. This growth in tourism industry show a figure of 3% to 6% of growth where this range depends on destinations. But there are some negative aspect of tourism which must be taken into account, as the tourism industry growing rapidly, the affect of this growth can be felt on the remaining biologically habitats which are very diverse together with the traditional culture of some of some place where tourism is often very well perceived and supported . Sustainable tourism is an advance form of tourism industry which ensures that environment and local culture must not be affected by the tourism and kept in their original shape as far as possible but together with this sustainable tourism industry understand the role of tourism as means to provide employment to number of people and its role in economic growth. The concept of sustainable tourism mustnt be confused with eco tourism which is different than sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism ensure that sustainable development lead to leaving an overall positive impact on everyone whether its tourism, tourism organization or local residents. I have chosen Brighton Hove, one of prime tourist spot in United Kingdom, as a sustainable city as it was ranked as most sustainable city in UK twice by forum of the future based on number of criteria such as Environmental Impact as name suggest, criteria for assessment were regarding pollution level and effective use of resource. Quality of Life standard of human life in terms availability of education, health etc Future-Proofing the commitment of city towards a more sustainable future through addressing the key issues of changes in climate, preservation of biodiversity and recycling. Brighton Hove was judged second for future-proofing and third for quality of life. Currently valued at over  £407m, the Tourism Economy has to grow in real terms to help the City and its residents benefit. But with nearly 60% of that money coming from just 17% of our visitors, we have to be focussed and targeted on attracting visitors that truly benefit the local area. How the destination has been planned and developed to achieve sustainability, including identification and actions to correct any areas of un-sustainability. The sustainable development in brighten based on basic framework develop by sustainable development commission known as one future different path sustainable development framework which is based five principles of sustainable development. Living within environmental limits Ensuring a strong, healthy and just society Achieving a sustainable economy Using sound science responsibly Promoting good governance The major initiatives to make Brighton a sustainable city for tourism especially regarding protecting environment were taken by the council of brighten by implementing sustainable environmental management system in order to comply and fully to the international standard organization ISO 4001 and BS 9010. There were several projects on achieving sustainability objective were taken in the past and or currently taken by council of Brighton to achieve sustainability in Brighton Hove as it will start with the creation of Sustainable development commission with its framework providing basic guide to achieve sustaibilitity. The areas which are more important to achieve sustainability include the use of thirteen indicators by friends of future to evaluate the British cities in terms of sustainability. Reducing our carbon emissions: The council of Brighton Hove is firmly committed to reduce common emission in the city of Brighton and provide a leadership to its people, businesses in order to reach at a destination of being known as a city of low carbon emission and in order to achieve this very important goal the citys council which run management of city entered into a partnership (known as carbon trusts local authority carbon management programme.) following the development of its comprehensive action plan known as 2006 climate change action plan. This council has firm commitment to reduce its carbon emission by an estimate average of at least 4% in each year to achieve its target of reducing it by 20% till the year 2012. The councils carbon footprint: The carbon footprint measures the emission of carbon from those buildings, vehicle and electricity usage such as street lights which are in under the direct control of the Brighton Hove council. The council of Brighton sign a 10:10 campaign which makes it necessary for council to reduce carbon emission by further 10% together with its five years plan of reducing emission up to 20%. This possible reduction was achieved through a number of factors such as achieving more efficient use of energy together creating an environment across the city which is aware of drawback of high carbon emission etc. Climate change program: The  Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change which shows the council attitude and commitment towards the climate was duly sign by Brighton Hove council in 2004. And with the signing of this declaration the Brighton Hove council prepare a plan to address the key root cause for the change climate. Council contribute in this national program which address the key issue of climate change with the help of its people together with making effective plan to reduce the emissions in each and every area which encourage the local population to reduce their own emission through following the minor changes in operations. Environmental education: The council of Brighton Hoves has not restricted itself on putting itself in a position by a being a sustainable tourist city now but they have invested heavily on making efforts to make Brighton Hove a long term sustainable city and therefore the strategies followed by council include the include the environmental education as key part of its overall sustainable strategy. Fair trade: The fair trade is based on concept that people who are producing some products such as tea are living in extreme poverty because these products are sold without considering any steps to improve the poverty level in these areas and therefore those organization which promote fair trade and committed to its objectives are basically agreeing on payment of price which not only the give and satisfy the producing countrys basic need and cost but also paying an extra money which will be used for the betterment of the lives and working conditions of people employed by producer. The Fair-trade organizations buying the products agree to pay a fair price that covers producers basic needs, costs of production, and is guaranteed to be more than the world price, with the extra money used by workers to improve their living and working conditions. Under the objective of achieving fair trade in brighten and hove, the council of Brighton Hove made five goals which are made up of following elements. First stage is recognition of fair trade as issue together with commitment from management individual parts of city represented by their councilors to promote, support fair trade by passing a resolutions in council and include other provision such as present of products from fair trade organization in the local grocery shops or other related business establishment while work places should promote the fair trade products by using them in their workplace And a campaign to catch the attention of people on promotions of these product through media and other channels. Above all the commitment to continue maintaining status of fair trade city by provision of group which look after fair trade policies and their compliance Brighton Hove has recognized as fair-trade city in the year of 2004 which shows the citys commitment through adaption and implementation of policies which promote sustainability in the city. Food strategy: An partnership know as Brighton Hove food partnership was formed by the council in the year of 2003 with taking people from city including representatives from community group, key organization in order to improve the process of growing food, transporting together with buying and access to food and related problems are addressed. Plastic bags: Though plastic are not legally banned but Brighton Hove council understand the importance of having restricted use of these plastic bags in order to achieve more sustainable environment and therefore have encourage its people and business on not using of plastic but instead using alternatives. The policies adapted by brighten to reduce the negative environmental impact of tourism by encouraging sustainability through following above policies. Though brighten and hove is ranked as number sustainable city of United Kingdom in 2009 but still the city have very bad ecological footprint however the city has shown improvement in the ecological footprint by reducing it 8.5% but still it need more hard work as Brighton is ranked on 15th position by forum for the future in its environmental foot print. But the charity which issues this ranking is now fully acknowledging the fact that council of brighten and hove is moving in the right direction and improving its ecological foot print specifically and its environmental foot print in general to achieve an improved ranking in this regard as well. How the destination has been and is being managed to achieve sustainability. Brighton Hove, as the matter of the fact ranked as most sustainable city in United Kingdom which shows that council and management of the city is fully aware of the issues regarding sustainability and taking active measure to improve sustainability with all regards in the city of brighten and hove. The city has taken a number steps in order to improve sustainability in past and also continuously working in order to improve sustainability future as well. The city entered into 10:10 campaign by which it show its commitment of reducing its carbon emission and in order to achieve that council have made an comprehensive plan on strategy for management of carbon and its implementation in the year of 2007 which is five year plan contain information of current carbon footprint of the city council and its strategy on carbon management and include a number of projects which are design to achieve an aim of reducing carbon emission. Though the brighten has improve its environmental impact in recent years such as improving its air quality together with improving its food measures etc but its performance on quality of life and future proofing were the key area of sustainability where council of Brighton Hove have done significantly in past years and which are recognize by forum for the future but there are other areas where management of city of Brighton Hove i. e council is taking serious step in order to improve its performance are regarding the environmental impact and few of the development occurring in this area are briefly define in previous paragraphs includes investment in environmental education etc. There are number of issues which can be considering under the umbrella of environmental education includes some of the following: Creating a awareness among public on each minor issues which together make a long term impact and make a city unsustainable include for example litter awareness as one of the example under which council have tried to convince people on how litter can affect the wildlife and other peoples health and safety together with an information on amount of money council has to incur in order get rid of this other policies regarding environmental education are based on creating awareness on anti vandalism, waste management and promotion of recycling, initiating trend to promote use of products which are environment friendly. If we assess the current environmental performance of Brighton Hove it can be seen that though the council of city has perform well in terms of achieving sustainability but there are other areas where the need for improvement is genuinely felt. During the year the waste collection per head was improved and reaches up to level which can be said as good. But brighten and hove council is currently not up to the desire level in terms of air and water quality where there is need for improvement is felt by council and subsequently responded and hopefully on next year there would be scores for Brighton Hooves. Brighten and hoves council have an effective sustainability policy on public transport, park providing green space for residents, all for necessities for a healthy life expectancy of its residents and opportunities for residents to high quality education. The council of Brighton and hove have firm commitment towards improvement of its carbon emission and have taken step towards reduction of negative impact on climate together with providing more green space to its people and promote and preserve biodiversity and encourage business to go more green. The priority for the council of Brighton Hove in order to achieve and make Brighton Hove as most sustainable tourist destination are focus on implementing a sustainable transport system, efficient use of resource and protection of environment and together with achieving economic growth and promote Brighton Hove as prime tourist place in the United Kingdom. The goal for brighten and hove city set the council would be achieve through implementing above policies and ensuring that the council achieve its important strategic goals and contribute its share in the UK sustainable development strategy. The south east of UK is the most affluent region and the fact brighten and hove as a city lies in that region is evident from the fact that brighten and hove have achieve significant success in maintaining quality of life but Brighton Hove council understand need to take much steps towards improving its environmental impact and also improving its bio diversity together with supporting green business. Brighten being a wealthier city share the trend together with two other cities of being more concern and therefore taken some practical steps towards achieving sustainability as a city. This trend can be seen from the fact that green party has taken majority of votes 22% in 2005 general election from Brighton which is its best ever performance. Conclusion: Brighton Hove is a city of UK which has consistently proven itself to be real sustainable tourist city through its planning and sustainable development policies but still there are area where Brighton Hove council have to work in order to make themselves less carbon emission city and not only these efforts will raise more revenue from tourist but these measures ensure that Brighton Hove is best place to live for its residents. Although we can the commitment of top leaders of Brighton Hove council towards making serious efforts in order to improve the environmental effect and make Brighton a sustainable city in the world not only in United Kingdom but the management of council need to understand and face the key challenge of translating these future aims and goal regarding sustainability into meaningful and achievable with measureable targets and make strategies which are fully focused on achieving these short targets. The leaders at Brighton Hove council should provide leadershi p in order to achieve long sustainable objectives. Bibliography and reference: Carder, Timothy (1990). The Encyclopedia of Brighton. S.127 East Sussex County Libraries Mawer, A. and F.M. Stenton, The Place-Names of Sussex, Part II, Cambridge 1930, p. 291. Climate Change Action Plan for Brighton Hove (December 2006) Brighton Hove council CITY OF BRIGHTON HOVE 2008/2018: A REFRESHED STRATEGY FOR THE VISITOR ECONOMY. Brighton Hove council The sustainable cities index, 2009 : ranking the largest 20 British cities. Forum for the future 2009 CITIES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: LESSONS AND EXPERIENCES FROM ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Available at (Last Access 10th August 2010)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

McDonaldization Essay -- essays research papers

People At Work Coursework Question   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To what extent do you consider this concept of the McDonaldization of society disturbing, expected or inevitable, for employees in the twentifirst century. Also the possible consequences for theories of human motivation and whether the concept applies equally to all jobs. In this paper I will be analysing the effects McDonaldization has on society and the employees of the twentifirst century. I will be discussing whether McDonaldization is to be expected, accepted, rejected or is inevitable. I will also be arguing that McDonaldization does effect employee motivation, and how it fits in the numerous theories on motivation. McDonaldization as defined by George Ritzer is â€Å"the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of society†. This concept originally stems from the concept of bureaucracy, which was a type of organisational structure that aimed to rationalise and standardise its products and services and the processes it took to produce them. McDonaldization differs somewhat from bureaucracy as it concerns itself with its five main points: Efficiency, Calculatability, Predictability and Control. For the emphasis to be on these points it has an effect on employee’s jobs. Often it involves the de-skilling of the employees, under McDonaldization employees do not need a wide range of skills, In fact just to be productive they only need to know how to complete a single task. This has numerous benefits for the organisation, primarily it cuts down on training costs as it does not cost much to train for low skilled jobs, and as these jobs are so low skilled employees can be paid minimum wage. It also leaves employees with little bargaining power as staff can be replaced so easily. Jobs often become standardised and continually repetitive and leave room for little or free thinking or initiative to be employed. Staff are often replaced or governed by technological changes. However it is argued that the effects McDonaldization has on employees depends on the many variables surrounding your job i.e. public or private, Blue collar (professional) or white collar (menial) jobs or simply the type of industry retail, service or tertiary. Public sector jobs tend to be as less affected by McDonaldization than pr... ...n, Supervision, Working Conditions, Relationships, Salary, Status and Security. As I outlined in previous paragraphs that McDonaldization has a negative impact on all these things. Herzbergs model also names motivators as being achievement, recognition, interest in tasks, responsibility and advancement. McDonaldization by design makes it more difficult to make big achievements and even harder to be recognised for them. With the standardisation of many jobs interest in the tasks are unlikely to play a big part in motivation. Increased responsibility, growth and advancement have also been negatively effected by McDonaldization and opportunities for either of these motivators is become bleak. Overall one can see that the effects McDonaldization have had on society and its employees tend to be negative ones. But the reason it is so widespread is because huge organisations rely on it as a means to maximise profit. But is the price too high for the rest of us to bear. It plays as a de-motivator, effects our everyday thinking. References George Ritzer ‘The McDonaldization Of Society’ Abraham Maslow Fredrick Herzberg Dr Ellen Langer Mullins Buchanan & Huczynski

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Island :: essays research papers

I came to the conclusion that Langston was writing about te struggle to freedom for blacs. Lanston Hughes wrote about racism often in his poems, and this particular poem seems to follow that pattern. Hughes gives the feeling of loneliness and dismay at the fact that he is not considered equal to white people. The poem represents the struggle for freedom and to be considered equal. The speaker conveys a feeling of sadness and loneliness in the tone of their voice, as stated in the opening sentence of the poem. "Wave of sorrow", expresses the sadness, by the speaker who I interpret to be a black person caught up in the struggle to have equal right. Hughes uses language that is used in everday life. There are no obsolete of slang words incorporated in the course of the poem. The author uses static imagery, painting a picture of an island standing alone by itself off in the distance. I see a sunny, smoothe sandy island surrounded by cal waters and a warm atmosphere. Langston Hughes uses four stanzas which are all couplets written in closed form. The rhyme scheme is an end rhyme with the pattern ab cb cd ad. This is a unique poem structure with the first line reapeating itself again in line seven, and the third line repeating itself again in line five. This is a lyric poem, meditation, which in this case th physical object is the island. The rhythm is set to be short quck verses with pauses to lead into each couplet. The word choice of the poem is use to keep the poem's structure short and compact. The word order is slightly different from normal use. The unconventional syntax is used to create a rhyme scheme. I decided to do this poem because of the versatility of the meaning. The way Hughes writes "Island" it leaves the reader to develop their own opinions of the author's meaning. This poem can be interpreted in many different ways, for instance: I also thought that this poem could mean a person is close to reaching their goal and by saying "Wave of sorrow, Take me there", I interpreted that as meaning they needed some sort of motivation to point

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Discussing Business and Communications

When someone mentions the word communication, one†s thoughts turn to a newspaper, the radio, television, or another more common means of mass-type communication. One does not usually make the connection between communication and other institutions such as business. Good business, however, goes hand in hand with good communication. Good managers and professionals realize that the ability to communicate is not a silly frill; it†s a necessity that helps all accomplish their work (Murphy 2). Therefore the question is often posed: Are these problems of poor communications that face managers and professionals becoming more and more critical? The evidence suggests the answer to be yes- these problems are serious and are growing more and more serious everyday. John O. Morris, a Management Communications Consultant consolidates this problem into a single statement called the Morris Maxim. It states that â€Å"Communications problems grow much faster in any organization than the organization itself grows† (Morris 3). This maxim emphasizes the need for better communication in organizations such as big business through the implication of what would happen if that organization did not fix it†s structure to better handle increasing communication needs. However, before dealing with a solution to the problem of communication in business, (frequently dubbed business speak) it is important to understand how big business operates. Big business was created in the mid-1800†³s to organize corporations such as the railroad, oil and steel industries. At that time, the only other organizations that had a similar size and structure were the Roman Catholic Church and the United States Army. These organizations are extremely authoritative in nature, and use a system of hierarchical communication. This translates into a business organization/communication style which is basically condescending in nature and is based primarily on status . Business speak is often straight, to the point, and beneficial to the individual speaking first, and to others second. This shows its hierarchical origins in that very often, the speaker is one who will use one or more power strategies, mostly the perception that someone can inflict negative consequences. Other issues in business communications include lack of responsibility in the upper ranks of the hierarchy, lack of training in good communications for the majority of employees, and lack of honest, direct conversation between business and it†s customers. These problems need to be fixed for a business to truly succeed, and can be fixed if managers and high-ranking officials take the initiative and implement a few simple and straightforward techniques into their business styles. Current problems facing business communications deal mainly with the apparent lack of functional inter-level communication. That is, communication employees as well as customers can understand. One of the main reasons behind this lack of understandable communication is that there are some many ways to avoid good communication and maintain the status quo for the short term. These mostly pertain to issues brought to a company from outside sources. These include letters of complaint, inquiries from government bodies such as the Federal Trade Commission, and published evaluations (i. e. editorials, product reviews). Instead of addressing these issues head-on and dealing with them, companies are more likely to dodge responsibility. There are 2 main ways to dodge accountability: denial and evasion of responsibility (Benoit, 90). In using denial, a corporation or employee refuses any wrong-doing, and usually transfers blame to another company or employee, often one that is lower on the â€Å"corporate ladder†. This is similar to evasion of responsibility, which often names scapegoats. In addition to that, evasion tactics often claim that any wrong-doing was an accident, or that the intentions behind their actions were good. These tactics allow for excuses to be made and for responsibility to be forgotten. Lastly, some companies will refuse to accept any wrongdoing, and simply fix the problem. This was the case when Tylenol was accused of allowing their merchandise to be tampered by not putting a safety seal on their product†s bottle. This prompted Tylenol†s executives to start sealing their bottles, but they never accepted responsibility for not sealing them in the first place (Benoit 92). This is just one example of a company distancing itself from blame. In order for there to be good communication, corporations must begin accepting responsibility for their actions, and begin making sound business decisions based on what the customer wants and needs. This would be most advantageously served with clear communication between a company and it†s customers. On the whole, communications between companies and customers are based on a â€Å"need to know† basis. There are exceptions to this rule, however. One company has done an increasingly good job in maintaining good communications lines with it†s customers. Intel, Inc. s a computer micro-processor firm that controls over 90% of the computer chip-set industry (Yahoo Tech Headlines). In their annual report, Intel†s top executives announced the creation of a â€Å"sort of R&D lab and strategic think tank to the industry† in which â€Å"we (will) work with PC makers, software developers and PC users to understand their future needs and wishes, and work intensely with industry leaders to develop products or specifications that meet those needs†. In doing so, Intel has opened a direct link to it†s customers, allowing for direct customer impact on some of Intel†s management and directional decisions. However, even the most open and direct company is not without it†s business speak. The following was taken from the same annual report, under the heading â€Å"Taking responsibility for our own growth†: We know we can't wait for growth to come to us. We are responsible for our own future and work to make it as successful as possible by removing roadblocks to PC platform growth, developing preference for the Intel Inside(R) brand among PC users and supporting emerging PC markets around the world. Together, these strategies build value for our stockholders, which is, after all, our most important goal. While this may look like a positive, non-aggressive statement, one finds a different meaning when looking at it from a business speak point of view. The most obvious example of business speak is the phrase â€Å"removing roadblocks to PC platform growth†. Basically stated, Intel wants to buyout or take-over any companies that might stand in the way of allowing Intel to control the industry. If Intel were to come right out and say this, there would be massive investigations from government and consumer groups that would plague Intel for years. Therefore, by tailoring what they tell their customers and stockholders, they are dodging a bullet and enforcing a hierarchical position over it†s customers and stockholders. However, customers are not the only one†s often left in the dark on business decisions. Sometimes, even high ranking officials are not consulted and are left to adapt to a change they had no say in. Such was the case with James Bennett, CEO of Picadilly Cafeterias, Inc. In 1986, then chief financial officer Bennett sat in a meeting and listened as Picadilly†s CEO announced plans to change the recipes of some of their most popular items. These changes were to be unannounced and were never tested or approved internally. There was no communication between the CEO and the company. James Bennett quit later that week and Picadilly†s sales plummeted from $11 a share to $6 (Forbes, 63). In 1992, Bennett was back in action, this time as CEO. He began a comprehensive overhaul that brought back the â€Å"good home cooking† that was the Picadilly tradition. â€Å"I†m just going back to ways that have always worked† (Forbes, 63). Those ways included clear communication between customer and company, as well as between employer and employee. That difference has translated into profit: shares in Picadilly are now worth $14 a piece (Forbes 64). He proved that a business can not be run on a spreadsheet alone. Knowledge in the area of communication, even if at the most elementary level is one of the key factors in a successful employment history. In a survey of 13,586 of its college graduates, General Electric Company found that the great majority of its employees cited written and verbal communication as the college training that had contributed most to their success in business (Zelko 7). It for this reason that many colleges have reported an increase in enrollment in communications classes. In addition to college courses, companies are now beginning to take the initiative and teach their current employees communications skills. This in-service of sorts can be accomplished very efficiently if a few guidelines are met. These include the establishment of an informal and permissive climate, the establishment of the value and importance of the training, and general across-the-board participation- that is, contributions to the group from all of it†s members (Zelko, 8). These guidelines ensure that the environment will be right to help educate the employee that is not versed in communication. This training can be a catalyst in the growth of a business, as well as helping to create a work-friendly environment that encourages productivity (Murphy 9). The American Management Association calls the ability to communicate a â€Å"vital skill of management†, and declare that â€Å"progressive companies now recognize (this ability)†. It is important to improve not only downward communication , but upward communication as well. Values of good downward communication include the ability to help a manager†s authority to be accepted, an evocation of cooperation that helps to solve problems, and a general expression of a more friendly atmosphere that builds morale everywhere (Murphy 281). Values of enhanced upward communication include the ability to forewarn top management of employees† reaction to policies, clarification of directives, and ability to offer valuable ideas to supervisors (Murphy 281). These values can help improve business exponentially, mostly due to the combined efforts of employees and their supervisors. When upward and downward communication has been established, the major problems dealing with communications in business will be eliminated. The hierarchy that is big business will become less prominent, and the business will function much better. A basic analogy that sums up hierarchical structure in business is this- when times are rough, a car that uses both the front and rear tires to move will make out better than a car that uses just the front wheels. Business should be considered a vehicle that has four-wheel drive, not a vehicle with front-wheel drive. In conclusion, communicating in business is one of the leading restraints that a corporation has to deal with in it†s advancement up the ladder of success. However, if a business chooses to hone it†s ability to communicate and increase the level of productivity due to the sharing of ideas all across the corporate ladder, employee and consumer alike will share the increase in quality of a business products, be it computer microprocessors, or cafeteria food. In short, good communication makes good business.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Are the Themes of Loneliness in “of Mice and Men”?

How are the themes of loneliness and isolation explored in â€Å"Of Mice and Men†? Born in 1902, John Steinbeck, author of ‘Of Mice and Men’, set his book in the 1930’s. The novel revolves around two hard-working men dependant on one another during the Great Depression, a time when most were alone. Many themes are explored in the novel such as racism, loneliness, disability, isolation and friendship. This essay will be talking about how the themes of loneliness and isolation are explored in ‘Of Mice and Men’. Gender is one way in which Steinbeck illustrates loneliness and isolation.The character of Curley’s wife is used to portray this. Throughout the book Curley’s wife is never referred to her name which is unknown. This suggests that she is a possession belonging to Curley. By not having her name mentioned; Curley’s wife remains distant even though she tells Lennie her life story as without a name she remains mysterious. Her marriage to Curley causes for her to be rejected by the ranch workers when she seeks out their attention and friendship. Therefore she is not only lonely but also isolated as there are only men on the ranch who turn away from her.Critics may argue that Steinbeck was too harsh in not giving a name to Curley’s wife but in my opinion John Steinbeck was only portraying the reality of that particular time period. Steinbeck also uses age to explore the themes of loneliness and isolation. Candy, an old ranch worker, is used to display these themes. As the oldest man on the ranch Candy is the most insecure of the men as he knows that if he was to be fired from his job he would have no other place to go to, what with having no family or friends. This knowledge isolates him from the others as there’s no one whom he can relate to this about.Critics may say that John Steinbeck is stereotyping old people as useless. Another way in which the two themes are explored is through ra cism. For this John Steinbeck uses Crooks. As a stable buck and a black person, Crooks is isolated from the other characters. He has his own room which may be fortunate but only further alienates him from the other workers. Crooks shows that he is lonely while talking to Lennie, he says, â€Å"I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick. † He talks of how he wakes up in the night and sees something but doesn’t know if he was just dreaming, if had a friend he would have asked him.Because of his race Crooks has many disadvantages one of them being that he is not allowed to enter the bunkhouse. Another being that he is abused by the other workers. Crooks is not given a chance to befriend anyone and is therefore both physically and mentally isolated. Lennie shows how disability can lead to loneliness and isolation. His child-like mentality distances him from the other workers. Though he talks to and is talked to by other characters he is isolated in his mind be cause there is still a separation. His disability causes the other characters on the ranch to treat him as inferior.Lennie was told both Crooks’ and Curley’s wife’s life story but it doesn’t mention in the book whether or not he was really listening when the two confided in him. This makes you doubt whether or not Lennie is actually as he is described. Critics may say that Lennie’s character was too unrealistic and overdrawn. Euthanasia is used to explore the themes of loneliness and isolation. Again Lennie is used to display this along with Candy’s dog. Both of them were in a similar situation where their death was what was best for them. Throughout the book Lennie is described as animalistic which further connects him to Candy’s dog.Lennie was killed by someone who cared about him, George, while Candy had wished to have been the one who had killed his dog. Without his dog Candy was left as lonely because though he still had the othe rs, his dog was the one who was always by his side. It shows that Lennie was truly lonely because when he died though George was shaken he had Slim as a friend to replace Lennie. John Steinbeck uses dreams to show loneliness and isolation. George’s character is used to show this. Although most of the ranch workers like George, he is mentally isolated. This is because of his dream which distances him from the other characters.His dream acts as a burden because in the end he knows that it will never come true. His awareness causes for him to be isolated, lonely and unreachable. Financial status also displays loneliness and isolation. For this the character of Curley is used. Curley can be viewed as the villain in the novel because of the abusive way he treats the other workers. He uses his small size as an advantage. The main difference though between him and the workers is money. Curley is married and yet because he is the boss’s son he doesn’t have to work like the others characters do.He uses the fact that he has authority and dominates the ranch workers. But being the boss’ son only further alienates him from the other characters and causes him to be lonely. Curley’s wife would constantly flirt with the other ranch-hands. This made him a subject of ridicule and further isolated him. Another way in which John Steinbeck uses to explore the themes of loneliness and isolation is through marriage. Curley and his wife are used to depict this. Both of them are stuck in a loveless marriage. Curley’s wife revealed to Lennie that she didn’t like Curley.Ways that you can tell Curley doesn’t love his wife is like the fact that he went to a cat house with the other men. In addition, when his wife was killed he set out to punish Lennie instead of mourning her; this shows that he was more interested in getting back at Lennie for personal reasons instead of losing his wife. Curley and his wife are therefore viewed as l onely. Their title as a married couple also isolates them from others on the ranch as there are expectations of how they should act and who they should talk to. Friendship is used by John Steinbeck to display loneliness and isolation.There are many forms of friendship in â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, the main one being George and Lennie’s friendship. The two of them are dependent on one another for different reasons. Lennie needs George to help him because of his mental disability. While George needs Lennie for company. Critics may argue that Steinbeck showed their friendship as abusive and forced. Another friendship brought together by loneliness is Curley’s wife and Lennie. This shows that they were all lonely as they settled for each other purely because they wanted companionship and someone to talk to. John Steinbeck also used other features to display loneliness and isolation.The novel began with a lonely atmosphere as he described the setting. This indicated tha t there was no-one around to describe or mention which gave you the feeling of isolation. Also the name of the city, Soledad, means solitude and loneliness in Spanish. In conclusion, John Steinbeck explored the themes of loneliness and isolation in many ways, using other themes and features. Although Steinbeck doesn’t allow you to clearly see his characters so you are unable to discern whether they are really lonely and isolated or if they are just portrayed and viewed as lonely and isolated.

It is hard to define the words true American Essay

It is hard to define the words true American. There are many different qualities in an American that don’t always make them a good person. Good people are loving and caring. There not always concerned about if they are going to be rich and famous. Good people care about others and accept people for who they are not based upon race gender or class. A true American possesses none of these qualities. Although not all of the qualities in a true American are bad many of the qualities are not favorable for a person looking to be a good all around person. True Americans are greedy, class conscious people, and have a vary large amount of self confidence. Confidence is a large part of American culture and many true Americans pride them selves on the ability to block out fear. Having little or no fear can only improve the lifestyle of a true American. A true American is a hero. An American hero is someone that saves lives and makes the world a safer place. There are types of jobs that can make one a hero, such as a lawman and a soldier. To become a hero, one must face his or her problems head on. It is not easy for anyone to face there fears head on. Not very many people can face them. Then again, it’s not easy to become or be a true American. True Americans are hard to come by and have rare heroic qualities like putting others in front of themselves. Although being a true American takes no fear, most real Americans have a taste for money. True Americans are entrepreneurs. True Americans are entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are go-getters in American society. They are looked upon as great people with great ideas. Entrepreneurs are people who want to be famous and or make a lot of money. Entrepreneurs take full advantage of being an American. They never take no for an answer, and always try to get what they desire. Entrepreneurs grasp and fully embrace the concept of what it means to be an American. Entrepreneurs are key to being an American, but being an entrepreneur also means you must be one thing, greedy. Greed is something people face every day. Everyday people can choose to either embrace greed, or people can fight it. In American culture it is widely accepted to fully embarrass greed as a part of your life. It is also normal for a person to choose work over play, and let money be more important than family. Money is more than just a type of currency in America. Currency is a symbol, a symbol of what a person is. If someone has a fast car, a big house, a boat, and still wants more he or she is a true American. If they have the drive to keep working to get what they want they are a true American. Although greed is a main part of American culture its importance is trumped by the way society works. The use of classes in peoples everyday life. Most Americans are very aware of class. Class is a very important part of the U. S. society. It is hard to escape society’s rules, so most people just let society run their lives. Suburban women have never been able to get away from society running their lives. TV, books, magazines, and movies show that women are supposed to marry a rich guy and have a nice kitchen. If a woman does not have a nice kitchen or look like a woman on TV, she is not living the American dream. Although being class conscious can help define you as a true American. Having some sort of relationship with God and being religious is key to being a true American. Many people who call themselves true American’s say they have a good up-standing relationship with God. God plays a very large part in American’s lives. God runs peoples lives, affecting a person’s decision on a day to day basis. God makes Americans seem more proud about there country. People have bumper sticks and flags saying god bless America. Every president in the history of the United States has openly stated that he believes in God. Important Americans always seem to connect with God somehow, or at least say they do. God has always played a large role in American history. People always seem to gravitate towards people that have religion be a large part of there life. God always offers people with a set of mostly good morals and values but that doesn’t necessarily make you a true American. In conclusion, it is very difficult to really define a true American with just one trait. People may never be able to define the words true American. A true American is a collaboration of many different things. Being a true American doesn’t exactly make anyone a good person, but being a patriot in any country will always have its positive and negatives. It is good to be proud of a country but some people seem to take it over board. If anyone wants to be called and viewed as a true American they have to take it overboard. To be a good person you don’t need to have money. In America the whole goal of existence is to become rich, not further your growth as a person. Americans are also very aware of what other people think of them and often wonder how they are viewed. There are problems with the way social structure is set up in the United States. People are more concerned with moving up in social status than helping out people that need help. Being a true American isn’t all bad at all. There is a great deal of American heroes that have done wonderful feats not just for the country but for the whole world. The idea of spreading democracy around the world was wonderful idea. I don’t agree with the way it was spread, but it needed to be done. Americans have many bad qualities but they also have many good qualities. It is hard to become a true American and figure out if those traits are something you posses. If people don’t people have to dig deep down and over come many things in life. People have to become a hero, people have to matter to there country if they want be a true patriot. A lot of people have had wonderful lives being true Americans, some not so much. True American are in many places in the United States and will continue to turn up because this is America.

Friday, November 8, 2019

An Extraordinary Touchdown Essays

An Extraordinary Touchdown Essays An Extraordinary Touchdown Essay An Extraordinary Touchdown Essay The fan essentially Lulls with a passion a passion at the end of the tied game Is kicked In the sacral. In this short story An Extraordinary Touchdown by Jorge lulls, satire Is used to prove American culture Is hypocritical. Moreover the characteristic of Ms. Hialeah is extremely hypocritical. For instance, the lady is being hypocritical because she acts like a kind person until she finds out the narrator is for the opposing team. This passage shows irony because she finds out the narrator is for opposing team. This passage shows irony because hen you need a philanthropist there is no one to help them then she suddenly appears. An example from the text is, well them, come with me. I have two of the best tickets and well watch the game together (P. 131) . This evidence is proof off hypocritical widow. On one hand she gives-but with another limb she kills. Obviously the widow is pretending to feel distraught for her husbands death; Irony Calla , she feels vengeful rather than San. This proves she feels accomplished in killing him. A specific example is, well anyway. Ay, it was in the sacral that day my Cubans was kicked on the day of one of these games (p. 131) . This evidence in An Extraordinary Touchdown proves the widow is hypocritical because she is telling him like if it was very bat what her husband pas true. On the other hand the widow feels she is right to kick her victim of the opposing team because he is like her husband and seeks revenge. Again this irony proves that the widow tri es to feel sad because her husband wasnt with her. This evidence shows that the widow doesnt care about who killed, she Just want to take revenge no mare who Is It. Timely in Jorge Laics short story An Extraordinary Touchdown uses more Irony that satire to prove America culture Is hypocritical. For example the widow acts Like she Is a good person, but at the end she commits the same crime to men who watch a football as her husband did. All this Is proving the story contains Irony because she does the exact same thing over and over ageing. All In all, Irony was very clear In An Extraordinary Touchdown. An Extraordinary Touchdown By Jeaneries A football game sometimes makes an extraordinary change in a fans life marks an issue. A fan way impose his position in a football game is kicked in the sacral, In An Extraordinary Touchdown by Jorge Alicia a philanthropist gives a ticket to a fan so Hialeah victim. The widow hates that the narrator for the opposing team like her husband and seeks revenge. The fan essentially Alicia with a passion a passion at the end of the tied game is kicked in the sacral. In this short story An Extraordinary Touchdown by Jorge Alicia, satire is used to prove American culture is hypocritical. Killing him. A specific example is, well anyway, it was in the sacral that day my isnt care about who killed, she Just want to take revenge no mare who is it. Ultimately in Jorge Laics short story An Extraordinary Touchdown uses more irony that satire to prove America culture is hypocritical. For example the widow acts like she is a good person, but at the end she commits the same crime to men who watch a football as her husband did. All this is proving the story contains irony because she does the exact same thing over and over ageing. All in all, irony was very clear in An Extraordinary Touchdown.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tivo 2008 Strategic management

Tivo 2008 Strategic management History and growth TiVo Company is an American corporation with a basic duty in the advertising and promotion services for its Tivo marked digital video recorder. TiVo mainly functions in the US and as well in New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, the UK, and Canada among other countries. Barton together with Ramsay established TiVo Inc. in 1997 as Teleworld Corporation. They were experts from digital video organisations.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Tivo 2008: Strategic management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Teleworld started the initial free tests of the TiVo tool and provision in 1998. Subsequent to the presentation at Consumer Electronics Show in early 1999, Mike Ramsay declared to the corporation that the initial edition of the TiVo digital recorder could embark in 1999, in spite of an approximated four months of operation left to complete the tool. Teleworld Corporation was changed to TiVo Inc. before 20 00. TiVo Company had its initial public offering (IPO) in late 1999. The initial TiVo tool digitised and condensed analogue video from all bases. At the beginning of 2000, the TiVo Company joined hands with Thomson who was a producer as well as a newscaster with Sky Broadcasting to convey TiVo services in the United Kingdom. This joint venture brought about PVR10UK, which is a detached receiver that came into the market in late 2000. Before the close of 2000, the very first DirecTV receiver that incorporated TiVo DVR entered into the market, thus bringing about a novel gadget that was named DirecTiVo. This novel gadget hoarded digital signals received straight from DirectTV. Following reduced transactions, TiVo withdrew from the markets in the United Kingdom in early 2003. Formally, their production agreement ended; nevertheless, the withdrawal was more probably owing to the introduction of a DVR invention similar to the TiVo by Sky, which was the sole dispenser of TiVo in the Unite d Kingdom. The DVR invention started by Sky was given the name Sky+ and was intensely advertised to their clients. This product by Sky is up to now dominant in the United Kingdom and the market currently has more than 6 million customers. In mid 2004, TiVo filed a case against EchoStar Company for copyright violation. EchoStar Company was producing DVR components. In 2011, the two companies were able to reach a consensus where EchoStar gave TiVo Company a fee for employing its expertise.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In mid 2005, expert media director, Tom Rogers, was taken up as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and the chairman of TiVo Company. Tom, who was a member of the board of directors from 2003, succeeded Mike Ramsay (a co-founder of the company). In the course of the headship of Tom, TiVo was in a position to advance from a mere DVR producer into a full in-home televise, cable, as well as wideband media centre and a supporter of the conventional media industries with its novel promotion resolutions and TV capacity services. In 2006, the Tivo Company was the proud winner of an Emmy Award due to exceptional novelty and accomplishment in sophisticated media expertise. In late 2009, TiVo Company re-gained access in the United Kingdom markets through declaration of an association with a cable corporation in the country, Virgin Media. This association turned out to be the special supplier of Top Box software program in addition to consumer interface package for the next cohort TV platform for Virgin Media. In late 2010, there was a publicised affirmation by Virgin Media of the availability of their initial PVR operating TiVo software system, which is obtainable in even over 500GB designs. From 2012, Virgin Media boasts of more than 678,000 customers of TiVo in the United Kingdom markets (Hill and Jones 224). This aspect represents an increase of more than 243,000 when judged against the preceding quarter, equivalent to almost 20 per cent of the entire customer base of TVs by Virgin Media. In early 2010, Microsoft registered a case against TiVo Company for copyright violation. Nevertheless, the two corporations agreed to terminate the case in 2012. Internal Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths TiVo Company boasts of an incomparable reputation in addition to powerful brand name identification since even the expression â€Å"Tivoing† is now the applicable expression for DVR recording employed by clients despite the gadget being utilised. The TiVo interface is identified as the most customer-friendly and it encompasses the most developed attributes of the market in the present day. TiVo has established several licensing accords internally as well as externally with different corporations for the application of its expertise as well as services. TiVo has as well exclusive patents on its expertise and has curr ently managed to win significant legal wars initiated by its competitors (Hill and Jones 224).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Tivo 2008: Strategic management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, TiVo has all it takes to take its services to Asia, the United States, and Europe since the international market is an unexploited one leaving room for new advancement. Since a lot of DVR disk drives are produced in Asia, a lot needs to be done in the quest to decrease transport as well as production costs in the markets in Asia. Additionally, TiVo Company will significantly gain from the acquirement of smaller competitors since it will boost its operations. Weaknesses The products and services of the TiVo Company have proved to be more costly when judged against those of its competitors. The competitors of TiVo Company now supply DVR without any cost for the initial year of subscription, and sometimes at very ch eap prices. The clients of TiVo Company are forced to buy a DVR and cater for a subscription charge for every month. The competitors of TiVo Company have a benefit since they can produce a gadget encompassing both the receiver and the coordination with low charges for the clients. This aspect has brought about a reduction of about two million subscriptions for the year 2012 as well as enormous losses in the annual financial statements. Court cases have as well had an impact on the profits of the company and have restricted new licensing accords with corporations that chose to wait for the results of the cases pertaining copyrights to prevent legal jumble. High-speed Internet in conjunction with new expertise has brought about optional grounds for clients to have an access to the media. Upcoming expertise has led to the upshot of new rivals generating additional difficulties in the operations of TiVo Company (Hill and Jones 226). Competitors keep on initiating new gadgets as well as software that greatly affects the sales of TiVo Company as well as its reputation as the leading company internationally. External environment surrounding TiVo The external surroundings of TiVo present different concerns that could have significant influences in the strategic inclination of the company. The external influences to the company are explained below.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Political/Legal With respect to the capacity to change the conveyed shows, there exists a lot of unresolved intellectual property. Moreover, there exist outstanding legal matters with the Internet, mostly with YouTube, presenting patented material devoid of the authorisation of the possessor (Hill and Jones 227). Copyright cases are presently proceeding in expertise with regard to copyright implementation and the way corporations are capable of disclosing them. In brief, the political as well as the legal environments around TiVo Company functions are normally in an instable mode and demands persistent checking and scrutinising. Economic The greater section of the globe is at a downturn thereby translating into minimal income to afford a lavishness gadget like a DVR. All the merchandise supplied by TiVo Company are classified as extravagance items since a DVR is not required to utilise or watch a TV, or have access to the materials in the Internet. As revealed, clients have to pay a minimum of 100 US dollars in the initial gadget and continue to pay a standard charge of 20 dollars for every month as the amount for subscription. When acquired via a cable supplier, the client is required to subscribe with about 3 dollars each month in addition to the price for acquiring the DVR. Even if the current economic estimates have affirmed that the economy of the United Kingdom is in a rising inclination, growth will be sluggish to average in the near future. Socio-cultural and Demographic The period of the rising population is approximately 45 years. In addition, this population is less technically knowledgeable when compared to cohorts below it. The largest user demographic of the merchandise of TiVo Company is aged between 25 and 45 years (Hill and Jones 228). TiVo particularly centres on those aged around 35 years when introducing new products and services. From the foundation of TiVo Company in 1999, the targeted population has turned out to be a very advanced exper tise user and has in turn compelled TiVo to raise the profundity and extent of expertise in their services and merchandise. Technological The application as well as comprehension of DVR is extensive all through the US and the United Kingdom. Some other nations are stuck in the introductory stages of the same. Expertise has made even the standard home setting computerised in a bid to imitate the necessary DVR practicality. In addition, the TV buy phase has shortened due to modernisations in expertise, kinds of offers, and quicker reductions in costs. The expertise presented in a separate TV component usually depicts practicality set in a computer (Hill and Jones 228). Porter’s Five Forces Influence of Buyers With the current availability of hardware and software, there has been swapping convenience for buyers. More suppliers of cable services offer the products and services like the ones offered by TiVo and at a better rate. This has generated severe rivalry. This has proved t hat buyers do not just go for high quality when it comes to better rates. Influence of suppliers Forward incorporation by manufacturers currently exists. There exists many suppliers in the marketplaces that are supplying hardware that is similar to the one offered by TiVo. Threats of entrants The ranges of operation of TiVo are two fold. These are namely: hardware and software operations. The enactment of the company on its copyrights has played a key role in keeping off the treats of new entrants with respect to hardware design and expertise. With regard to software, there are low capital demands thus making the threat of new entrant higher when judged against hardware. Nevertheless, TiVo has maintained its strength in the market and has retained a great market share. Threat of Substitutes The market has turned out to be very fragmented with competitors providing products that vary slightly with those of TiVo. Nevertheless, these products are taken to be similar by the buyers since they serve the same purpose. Force of competitive rivalry The saturation in the market has brought about high competition, which in return translates to reduced profits since suppliers demand cost effectiveness. The copyright lawsuits are sluggish and expensive ad has therefore led to creation of partnerships and alliances. Nevertheless, the expression â€Å"TiVo† has turned out to be changeable with DVR and thus the company has managed to retain competitive advantage. SWOT analysis The brand name for TiVo Company is internationally identified for excellence and novelty. Nevertheless, the setting of the industry has noticeably revolutionised in the recent past and the company encounters difficulties as it keeps on loosing clients, money, and market dominance. Fresh expertise has come up offering optional stages for accessing media through the Internet as well as competitors supplying products and services at extremely low prices comparing to the prices offered by TiVo Compan y (Hill and Jones 229-236). The SWOT analysis below underscores the strengths and weaknesses of TiVo Company and shows where to concentrate its precedence to guarantee financial achievement. Strengths Customer service Good brand image Product quality Versatile High client increase rates Joined forces with a lot of large reputable players for fast entry and growth in the United States and United Kingdom Several possible income streams Still capable of drawing fresh capital Weaknesses Financial support Monthly pricing plan Promotion Electronic trade High market development Market research statistics Replay is attracting most legal consideration Subsidised content Opportunities Distinctive attributes Interactivity Overdependence on partners Single suppliers for major product elements Threats DVD recorders imitate) Legal difficulties Legislative plan could limit opportunities Low barricades to entry (expertise is simple to ReplayTV Reputable players in long-established ma rkets are rooted and will execute defensive schemes to defend their market dominance (eroding traditional tactical fragment obstacles) UltimateTV VCR Numerous competitors – a lot of them are heavy weights Corporate-level strategy Currently, the vision of TiVo is â€Å"to be a leading provider of technology and services for advanced television solutions, including digital video recorders and in the future non-DVR set-top boxes and connected televisions.† Its mission is â€Å"to redefine home entertainment by providing consumers with an easy and intuitive way to record, watch, and control television and receive videos, pictures, and movies from cable, broadcast, and broadband sources.† With the varying customer tendencies, this statement is exceedingly constricted. In a bid to increase its information base and assist in changing its corporate-level strategy, TiVo Company should expand its mission and vision statements and increase the degree of skill of its board. The company has started pursuing this strategy by increasing its board members from 6 to 9. Additionally, the company is looking for and choosing board fellows from the software sector to assist in boosting its knowledge profoundly and make improvements. Board members that have prior experience are as well being hunted from hardware providers (such as Motorola) to help with incorporation (Hill and Jones 229). Moreover, it could be useful to hire a board member who has experience in promotion and particularly in the Asia Pacific area with knowledge in international growth into the upcoming markets. With TiVo Inc. starting the execution practice, the meetings of the board members will have to increase with greater frequency (for instance, after a fortnight) to undertake discussions in a bid to remain abreast of the execution progression and scrutinise competition more strongly. Visits being carried out by members of the board to various facilities and meeting workers in person will go a long way in enhancing a sense of worth and assurance all through the change and disruption period. Lastly, to generate a feeling of confidence, the company is seeking to augment its degree of transparency of management judgments and tactical trend. Business-level strategy For single-business companies like Tivo, their â€Å"business-level strategy is identical to corporate- level strategy† (Hill and Jones 216).The poor sales encountered by the company in 1999 became precious lesson to its promotion team. This encounter acted as the medium that generated the necessity for a novel communication approach by the company. Nevertheless, describing this novel promotion campaign was difficult, particularly subsequent to the response obtained concerning the products that illustrated issues like restricted responsiveness and difficult to communicate practicalities. The major objective of the novel promotion campaign is to choose a positioning policy that will quicken the acc eptance of TiVo and its products and services by customers (Hill and Jones 233). The promotion team could position the company as the excellent VCR that offers customers an exceptional television experience. The potential of the company surpasses the initiation of a novel product as it has the capacity to alter the routine of the way the people in the United Kingdom watch TV. As at this point, the company’s penetration has been tremendously restricted. Several customers do not know that it exists, and in this regard, the sales team is facing challenges in explaining the advantages of the products of the company. Furthermore, TiVo represented a fully new novel product that aimed at the enrichment of watching TV that was previously not in anybody’s list of priorities. In a bid to explain the benefits of TiVo’s products, the promotion team has taken into consideration application of dissimilar promotional sources for various reasons. Nevertheless, this move eradica tes the chances of delivering a constant message to every potential customer. In the absence of a constant message, there will be confusion amongst customers concerning what TiVo actually stands for. As TiVo advances, it is critical to enlarge its objectives past TV solutions to becoming the leading supplier of software expertise of optical media. This adjustment will translate into increases in customer consumption of media and assist in reflecting both a bigger market of potential as well as present customers (for instance, the ones who watch media just from computers in addition to other gadgets). In this regard, TiVo will permit for better understanding of TiVo’s increased dealings. For instance, TiVo offers the capacity to download pictures as well as other media into electronics. The present mission statement of TiVo fails to reveal such differentiation and is not extensive enough to include additional novelty. Any tactical aims referring to hardware or improvement ther eof will be erased and replaced with novel software invention (Hill and Jones 234). Finally, a proposed inclusion to the company’s business-level strategy could as well be to forge fresh tactical joint ventures. Tivo’s structure and management and the way they strengthen its strategy The value chain of the company recognises the unique mainstay effectiveness of sales and promotion, novelty, service, civilisation, and intellectual property protection. The critical roles of the value chain whether inward or outward logistics, in addition to roles are adequate. Nevertheless, the Department of Sales and Marketing (DSM) assumes the responsibility to form joint ventures and the effectiveness of the Marketing Department that are critical to TiVo. TiVo possesses a standard structure, by employing Broadcom as the only provider of the structure manager for the company’s DVR. TiVo does not presently have a lasting written provision accord with Broadcom. Additionally, the t wo lack a lasting provision accord with numerous other providers for major constituents in their value chain. In a bid to provide services associated with record administration, order accomplishment, and sales operations, Tivo relies fully on third parties (Hill and Jones 224). The failure to manage operations accurately in the company could bring about unwarranted risks to Tivo. The products of the company that have gained reputation include the original DVR provision with incomparable software, and their powerful image keeps on inspiring assurance in their merchandise. It is vital that promotion service keep on insisting on the company’s reputable icon. The support operations that are essential to TiVo include management, finance, and a powerful legal section that has been critical in defending the intellectual property of TiVo in the court cases. These court cases include the aforementioned one that TiVo had with EchoStar concerning patent infringement. The human resource management (HRM) of TiVo has been powerful in retaining a culture of novelty, upholding a research and development department that keeps on establishing additional attributes and practicality to the initial DVR expertise. A resource-anchored perspective of TiVo discloses concrete resources like sufficient money accounts and copyrights. The worker base of TiVo is strong, having a huge sum of experienced computer package experts as part of the personnel. The intangible assets of the company encompass a reputable brand name connected with recognition for excellence and service (Hill and Jones 234-236). TiVo bears a key organisational ability of a resilient kind, thus rejecting copyright violations while maintaining the support of every business operations. An assessment carried out in the company demonstrated that TiVo lacks a consistent competitive advantage. Nevertheless, with the termination of the court cases, TiVo will gradually attain a competitive advantage. Financial analysis R eturn on total assets (ROA) The ROA calculates the profit obtained on the deployment of assets. For TiVo, the ROA as at October 2006 is as follows: ROA= Net profit Total assets: ROA= $ 201,750 $ 28,244 ROA= 7 Liquidity Ratios The liquidity for TiVo is its capacity to satisfy short-term requirements. An asset is considered liquidity in case it can effortlessly be turned into cash. This case study looks into the current ratio for TiVo. Current ratio calculates the degree to which assets can be swiftly changed into cash to cover the claims of short-term creditors (Hill and Jones 227-232). Current ratio= Current assets Current liabilities: Current ratio= $117,427 $171,185 Current ratio= 1 Recommendations In a bid to retain a competitive advantage, get back market dominance, and expand its client base, TiVo has to establish new international markets, decrease expenditure on lawsuits, and obtain acquisition of smaller companies to boost its operations. TiVo must advance research and devel opment (RD) to maintain its international leadership status in software expertise, and create fresh internal ad external licensing accords for utilisation of its technology. TiVo should as well direct its corporate strategy on mainstay capability of software advancement to boost its technology TiVo should embark on promoting its brand and enlightening customers concerning the benefits of its products and services for additional development. In this regard, the company should hire trained personnel that can communicate in different languages to operate efficiently with organisations and clients across the globe. Responding to the inquiries of the clients using electronic mails and blogs could as well help in satisfying the requirements of customers. A decrease in the payment of the executives of the company is necessary as it could translate into decreased costs for the company’s products and services, which could lead to increased sales and thus motivate the employees in guar anteeing excellence. Hill, Charles, and Gareth Jones. Theory of strategic management with cases, Stamford: South-Western Cengage learning, 2009. Print.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

An Overview of Operation Allied Force in Kosovo

An Overview of Operation Allied Force in Kosovo In 1998, the long-simmering conflict between the Slobodan MiloÃ… ¡evics Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Liberation Army erupted into full-scale fighting. Battling to end Serbian oppression, the KLA also sought independence for Kosovo. On January 15, 1999, Yugoslav forces massacred 45 Kosovar Albanians in the village of Racak. News of the incident sparked global outrage and led NATO to issue an ultimatum to MiloÃ… ¡evics government calling for an end to the fighting and Yugoslavian compliance with the demands of the international community. Operation Allied Force To settle the issue, a peace conference opened at Rambouillet, France with NATO Secretary General Javier Solana serving as a mediator. After weeks of talks, the Rambouillet Accords were signed by the Albanians, United States, and Great Britain. These called for NATO administration of Kosovo as an autonomous province, a force of 30,000 peacekeepers, and free right of passage through Yugoslav territory. These terms were refused by MiloÃ… ¡evic, and the talks quickly broke down. With the failure at Rambouillet, NATO prepared to launch air strikes to force the Yugoslavian government back to the table. Dubbed Operation Allied Force, NATO stated that their military operations were undertaken to achieve: A stop to all military action and repression in KosovoThe withdrawal of all Serbian forces from KosovoAgreement to the presence of an international peacekeeping force in KosovoThe unconditional and safe return of all refugees and unhindered access to them by humanitarian organizationsA credible assurance from MiloÃ… ¡evics government that it was willing to work on the basis of the Rambouillet Accords in creating an acceptable political framework for the future of Kosovo Once it was demonstrated that Yugoslavia was adhering to these terms, NATO stated that their air strikes would cease. Flying from bases in Italy and carriers in the Adriatic Sea, NATO aircraft and cruise missiles began attacking targets on the evening on March 24, 1999. The first strikes were conducted against targets in Belgrade and were flown by aircraft from the Spanish Air Force. Oversight for the operation was delegated to the Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe, Admiral James O. Ellis, USN. Over the next ten weeks, NATO aircraft flew over 38,000 sorties against Yugoslav forces. While Allied Force began with surgical attacks against high-level and strategic military targets, it was soon expanded to include Yugoslavian forces on the ground in Kosovo. As air strikes continued into April, it became clear that both sides had misjudged their oppositions will to resist. With MiloÃ… ¡evic refusing to comply with NATO demands, planning began for a ground campaign to expel Yugoslav forces from Kosovo. Targeting was also expanded to include dual-use facilities such as bridges, power plants, and telecommunications infrastructure. Early May saw several errors by NATO aircraft including the accidental bombing of a Kosovar Albanian refugee convoy and a strike again the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Sources have subsequently indicated that the latter may have been intentional with the goal of eliminating radio equipment being used by the Yugoslav army. As NATO aircraft continued their attacks, MiloÃ… ¡evics forces worsened the refugee crisis in the region by forcing Kosovar Albanians from the province. Ultimately, over 1 million people were displaced from their homes, increasing NATOs resolve and support for its involvement. As the bombs fell, Finnish and Russian negotiators continuously worked to end the conflict. In early June, with NATO preparing for a ground campaign, they were able to convince MiloÃ… ¡evic to give in to the alliances demands. On June 10, 1999, he agreed to NATOs terms, including the presence of a United Nations peacekeeping force in Kosovo. Two days later, Kosovo Force (KFOR), led by Lieutenant General Mike Jackson (British Army), which had been staging for an invasion, crossed the border to return to peace and stability to Kosovo. Aftermath Operation Allied Force cost NATO two soldiers killed (outside of combat) and two aircraft. Yugoslavian forces lost between 130-170 killed in Kosovo, as well as five aircraft and 52 tanks/artillery/vehicles. Following the conflict, NATO agreed to allow the United Nations to supervise the administration of Kosovo and that no independence referendum would be permitted for three years. As a result of his actions during the conflict, Slobodan MiloÃ… ¡evic was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. He was overthrown the following year. On February 17, 2008, after several years of negotiations at the UN, Kosovo controversially declared independence. Operation Allied Force is also notable as the first conflict in which the German Luftwaffe took part since World War II. Selected Sources NATO: Operation Allied ForceGlobal Security: Operation Allied Force